Friday, May 1, 2020

Spring 2020 Update #2

Like many other people, my work has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and that's reflected in the information I've been sending out about shipping schedules, delays, and even doing translations again.

As you might know, this Spring I moved to my dream city of Tokyo. It's the first time I've lived here in over a decade and I think it was always my ultimate first choice of places to live. Spending nearly everyday in my apartment wasn't really how I imagined things to be, but that's precisely what the pandemic has forced me and many others to do.

I don't really talk much about my full-time job for privacy reasons, but I can say that it's heavily affected by the current situation. In a regularly-functioning society, my job is pretty important; but in these conditions, it's not essential. So while I'm doing just fine for now, if this situation continues as it is for a few more months, I'm not sure what will happen. I've received no indication that my employment status is in any danger, and I'm thankful that I'm in a position where I can stay home without having to worry about salary (for now).

I don't say this to alarm or worry anyone, because honestly I'm doing just fine and will handle whatever happens from this point. After grieving the death of my mom late last year, strangely enough I've been in a much more stable state of mind than I had ever been before that point.

Speaking of "before that point," A few weeks ago I realized that it had been a year since I took that month-long break from group order work to take care of my health and some personal matters. Thank you all who supported me back then! I'm eternally grateful for the people who put faith in me to keep doing what I do.

Coming back to the present, here's some general updates:

  • The second 7th Stage group order has closed and all invoices have been sent! The order will be made on May 4th, or when all invoices are paid, whichever is earlier.
  • The Maji Love Kingdom KumaPri (Bear plushies) release date has been pushed from May 15th to May 29th. So far I haven't received notice of any other delays but I fully expect them to happen. If the delay is longer than a month I'll make an announcement.
  • I know I've said this before, but I'm going to try to send more updates about group orders by e-mail. Twitter is the quickest and easiest way for me right now but I understand it can be easy for information to get lost in the feed. You will only receive update emails for orders that you signed up for, and they'll go to the e-mail address that you listed at the beginning of your form. If I don't have a contact e-mail address for you, I'll send the update to your PayPal e-mail address.
  • Don't be alarmed if I'm silent with updates for periods at a time. I'm taking my time working on things since announcements about business operations with online shops and post offices have been very sudden lately. Right now I'm not sure if I should be preparing packages while I wait or if I should be keeping them stored in case I end up moving soon.
  • I've created a special page for information related to the current situation, which you can view here. This page is also linked in the general "Group Pre-Order Information" page in the tabs section near the top of this blog.

In other more positive news, I'm slowly finding some time to do translations again and will be posting several of them to my blog at a time. I post translations for free, but I'm setting up a Ko-fi in case anyone would like to donate as a way of saying thank you! I hope to have a new translation collection up (or at least part of one) up before Ryuya-sensei's birthday on May 15th, which is also the anniversary of when I started this blog! I never thought randomly playing an idol anime in the background as I cleaned my apartment five years ago would lead to this whole project. I'm glad to continue for as long as I can! ☆

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