Thursday, April 2, 2020

Spring 2020 Update

This isn't quite how I imagined the new season to start, but here we are.

Because of what's been going on in the past few weeks, I'd like to outline some details as well as some of my thoughts about group orders for this year.

Group Pre-Order and General Sales

  • I will continue to host group orders as normally as possible. Sometimes I would order extra items to sell to people who missed signing up. But until further notice, I may keep purchases very limited to only what's been requested, as well as items from smaller events that I haven't organized a group order for.
  • I will continue to sell new and used items that I have on hand.
  • Heavens Garden group order is open until April 12th. (Link)
  • I will being doing a second Maji Love Live 7th Stage group order when more details are released.


  • As many UtaPri items are manufactured in China, they will likely experience delays in arriving at my place, But I will try to keep the combined shipping schedule the same to keep my apartment as free of clutter as possible.
  • For my own safety, I plan to make fewer trips to the post office, so after a payment is received it may take a few days for me to finally mail the package.
  • I may also reduce package sizes since I may not be able to transport big boxes anymore. I don't have a strict system for this but I'll look at each individual order and contact the buyer if necessary.
  • According to Japan Post, some countries are currently blocked from receiving air mail. Currently the USA, Canada, and UK are not on this list, but please check this link to see what countries are.
If you decide to continue signing up for group orders, please consider your spending carefully, as once I submit the order for merchandise, I cannot cancel it. I understand that some people may have some money trouble coming up in the next few weeks so I'll do my best to accommodate.

Thank you everyone for your support and I hope this all ends soon!

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