
Current Goal

Translation is a time-consuming process, especially for just one person. This project is currently a one-person job--I do all of the translating, editing, blogging, photos, and graphics myself. It's all done in my own leisure time and is offered to the Uta no Prince-sama fan community for free. While donations are not required, they are highly appreciated and will help me to continue this project at a faster rate. If you would like to donate you can contribute to my Ko-fi below! The funds will be used to cover everyday expenses and to further my Japanese language and cultural studies.

"How much should I donate?"

Donate as much or as little as you'd like! Be aware that PayPal deducts a fee from the amount, so if you'd like to throw in extra that's fine!

"Is there any other way I can help?"

While I used to welcome contributions source material, these days I'm very busy and find it easier to work solo at my own pace. As long as you enjoy my work, and maybe even reblog or retweet it when I share on social media, that makes me happy!