Sunday, November 22, 2020

Fall 2020 Update

Time flies...the past few months have been extremely busy. I kept starting blog posts and not finishing them because of other tasks, but I think I'm finally due to post an update.

Most of my summer was eaten up by the All-Star Shop, setting up my apartment, and shipping packages. I thought August was going to be the least stressful month but it turned out to be really tough on me mentally. The shipping restrictions to the US were giving me an absolute headache, and my list of buyers had piled up higher and higher along with the pile of pre-orders coming in. To this day I still have items from the beginning of this year that haven't been shipped yet. I nearly had a meltdown towards the end of August, which some of you might have guessed when I sent an e-mail about refusing to deal with FedEx and DHL.

I've had to draw a few lines like these for myself in order to maintain some level of comfort, and now I'm at a point where I'm no longer pressuring myself to visit the post office four times a week to keep up.

I've received so many messages and tags on Twitter from you all who have safely received your packages, and that makes me really happy and relieved. I really appreciate the patience you've given me, and it's been helping me have more patience with myself. I've made a few mistakes with missing and forgetting to include items from some orders because of all of the invoices and records I have to go through, but the people who had that experience have shown so much grace and appreciation nonetheless.

Anyway, here's a quick list of updates from these last few months:

  • If you made an order in 2019 still haven't completed the survey on changing shipping options, please see my info page for information.

  • Translation is still on hold, but I've been thinking about it lately and hope I can take some time towards the end of the year to continue Secret Garden Party.

  • I currently have two group pre-orders open: AGF Beautiful Memories and PRINCE CAT HOUSE. I don't have a set deadline for requests but preferrably I'd like to begin online orders as soon as they open in December. Sign-up link is in the Group Pre-Order Info Page.

  • Shining Store 2020 Group Pre-orders will start soon! The price list I've created is here. I'm waiting to get as much merchandise information as possible before opening up a request form.

  • I've changed the Twitter that I use for group order updates; you can now follow @ryuyabear to get information about a new group order or items I have for sale. The account is protected, so just send a follow request and I'll approve it! My other UtaPri account @bitchfacetokiya will continue to be public and for shitposting personal posts.

On a more personal note, if you've been following my personal Twitter, you may have noticed that I've added to my family. 

I'm not sure if it was Ranmaru and Shion that brought me back to a version of myself from early adulthood, or if it was my move back to Tokyo that brought that "self" back to light, and Ranmaru and Shion were just the best fit for that re-discovery. Of course I'm not abandoning Tokiya and Ren, haha. But 2020 has been a year of significant growth for me, so I think it was inevitable that I would start noticing other characters. That's the beauty of UtaPri for me and why I can't move onto anything else; no matter how old this series is, there's still more for me to explore.

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