Tuesday, July 28, 2020

July 2020 Update

I've finally moved! I feel so happy to be in my new place! It was an overwhelming few weeks and once August begins I'll have a lot more time to take care of things.

I apologize if any messages went unanswered or information seemed unclear or inconsistent! My brain has been processing a million things at once and I really want my place to be set up so it's easier for me to focus.

Here's a summary of what's happened in the past few weeks:

  • Sweets Paradise x Shining Live group pre-order has closed and I've made the order! Thank you to everyone who joined!

  • I'm now taking requests for All-Star Shop! All items are on the list except for the perfume bottles due to shipping restrictions on flammable liquids. There is no set deadline but orders will close around the time the online shop ends. The form is here, please read the information very carefully!

  • For those of you who ordered items from me in the past year, I've revised my shipping guide in response to the pandemic. Many of you already answered the shipping survey but if you haven't or need to review information, you can see my page here. I plan to start packing and shipping during the month of August. Thank you all for being so patient, I know it's been a long wait for many of you!

  • Translation will be put on hold until I finish setting up my apartment and get myself back into the habit of packing and shipping orders. Thank you all so much for your Ko-fi donations and support, it's really helped a lot during this really expensive move!

On a personal note, this move [back] to Tokyo was over ten years in the making. I never imagined things would be this way when I got here--not just with the pandemic, but I also never expected to be into something like UtaPri. But now that I'm finally here, I hope it will be even easier and even more enjoyable to contribute to this fandom. Thank you all and I'll continue to work hard (and rest)!

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