Thursday, November 8, 2018

November 2018 Update

Time for another update! Late October has been a physically exhausting month but I'd like to give everyone a roundup of what's been going on:

  • Happy Birthday to Cecil! He's always had a special place in my heart but that place has become bigger and more special thanks to Polaris. I posted a few pictures on my social media to celebrate. He's definitely moved up in my favorites ranking! ^^
  • This was quite some time ago but I got Top 1% in the Tokiya/Camus event on the International Shining Live server! Although I didn't have to go for 1 million points like I did for Ren's first event on the Japan server, it was still quite challenging considering I had to work (whereas during Ren's event I wasn't working yet).
  • I attended a live viewing of the Quartet Night concert and it was great! I only had a ticket for Day 1 and didn't get one for Day 2 because I figured it would be on the DVD (I also ended up being sick with a cold over the weekend so I went home to rest on Sunday). I also got to do karaoke in the Quartet Night room at Karaoke no Tetsujin! The rooms are only around until next weekend so I was very lucky to be able to go! (You can see photos on my Twitter and Instagram)
  • I will be attending a theater showing of the STARISH Fan Meeting on Saturday, it's only been six months since the concert happened and yet it feels like it was forever ago, so I'm excited to see it again!
About Pre-Orders:
  • The Prince Parkas showed up weeks earlier than I expected and has taken up the bulk of my attention. At this point I have processed and shipped 90% of the orders, and am continuing to work on combining items for other people.
  • I managed to trade a few Mysterious Halloween Items, though not much since I haven't found a huge response for trading over Twitter, which is unfortunate. I am slowly getting to them this week, I've been held back due to having busy weekends every week since the beginning of October.
  • I've opened two more group pre-orders, one for AGF merchandise and the other for Mystic Light merchandise (artwork that was introduced with the latest trading card collection). Regardless of whether they announce anything else this year, I've decided that these will be the last two group orders that I host for 2018. This year was really exhausting, with very limited living space, having a 5-day-a-week job (and going out to Tokyo to run errands/attend events almost every weekend), and difficult trips to the post office because of limited time and capacity to carry multiple packages. I want to finish delivering the rest of these items as soon as possible so I can have a fresh new start for the new year.
Other Sales Information:
  • Once I finish with this year's orders, I will be reorganizing my combined shipping policy for next year. The problem I had this year was having to hold large orders for MONTHS, which takes up more and more space over time. I like to offer combined shipping to save people money and save me the trouble of mailing multiple packages, but I don't live in a warehouse-- I just don't have the room to hold items for three, four, five, even six months. When I can manage to find the time, I will create a chart to indicate which orders can be combined and how long they can be held.
  • Items that I sell for immediate purchase I would prefer to be shipped ASAP; if it's just one or two items I don't mind holding them for a while, but if you purchase a bundle from me, I would like them to be sent out quickly.
Hopefully everything will be taken care of by the end of the month, it's very hard for me to correctly estimate when I'll have things done because I have to put my work and my health first (as I'm writing this I'm almost finished getting over a week-long cold that made me miserable during QN Live weekend).

Thank you all for cooperating and being so understanding! I hope I can make a major change by the end of the year that will help reduce my stress!

Below are links for AGF and Mystic Light Group Orders:

Request Deadline: Saturday, November 18th @ 11:59pm EST
Payment Deadline: Saturday, November 24th @ 11:59pm EST

Request & Payment Deadline: Saturday, December 1st @ 11:59pm EST

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