Thursday, September 13, 2018

Late Summer 2018 Update

EDIT: I've updated the deadline for Mysterious Halloween Night merchandise. The deadline is Tuesday, September 25th at 11:59pm EST.

I almost titled this "Fall 2018 Update" but realized that it's not officially autumn yet--it just feels that way because the last few mornings in my area have been pretty chilly!

I had a brief break following the Shining Store, but things have started back up on full blast, or should I say, ULTRA BLAST...^^;

Here's a quick outline of what I'm working on as well as my own condition:

  • I'm working on wrapping up Shining Store Shopping Service items. The last few orders involved trading items and it's been extremely difficult trying to gather everything. I've learned that the period for trading over Twitter can come and go very quickly...if no one answers my tweet in under a week, it's safe to say that the desired trade isn't happening. On a more positive note, I've learned a lot of business Japanese while communicating with Japanese fans!
  • Shining Masterpiece Show items arrived not too long ago; many of you requested the items to be combined with other orders, and most of you had trading items. Unfortunately, trading hadn't gone so well on that front either, so I will be preparing items for shipment starting this weekend.
  • The Shining Web Store Group Order was MASSIVE this year! I think the total amount of goods that everyone requested was around $5000, including PRINCE CAT items. PRINCE CAT alone was high enough to rival the Prince Parka order, over $2000!
  • I have recently opened two new group orders: Setsugetsuka Eternal Moment and Mysterious Halloween Night. Please see below for more information:

Setsugetsuka Eternal Moment

Request Deadline: Wednesday, September 26th at 11:59pm EST
Payment Deadline: Wednesday, October 3rd at 11:59pm EST
Estimated Release: February/March 2019

Mysterious Halloween Night

Submission and Payment Deadline: 
Tuesday, September 25th at 11:59pm EST
Estimated Release: Late October 2018

Please note that the procedure for Mysterious Halloween Night is a little different from other group orders because the order period is so short. More information is provided in the sign-up sheet.

Lastly, some of you may be aware that I've had a rough post-summer period upon my return to work. Up until this point I had been stressing myself out with getting packages to the post office as quickly as possible and taking up too much side work. I won't go into the details, but I am easing up a little bit on how quickly I try to process shipments, for the sake of my physical and mental wellbeing. I would also like to cut down on combined shipping, as my small living space becomes even more crowded every time a new group order comes in. 

Starting with items due for release in 2019, new pre-orders can only be combined with one previous or proceeding pre-order. That means that Shining Web Store items (including Prince Cat) can only be combined with Setsugetsuka items, and Setsugetsuka items can only be combined either with Shining Web Store or the next 2019 group pre-order. If it sounds a little confusing, basically each sign-up sheet will list which orders are eligible for combined shipping. As time passes, it becomes harder and harder to keep track of items stored in my apartment, and I want to make sure that I don't forget to include anything when it's time to ship your items. For small item purchases from my sales page, I can hold those up until your next group order or next purchase, for several months.

I'll try to make more updates on my blog and then link to social media, as that would probably be faster than me copying and pasting information to all of my accounts. Thank you for your continued support and I hope you have found my group orders to be helpful!

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