Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Schedule and Request Status Post #4

Translation Schedule

I didn't realize how much of a break I'd need after the holidays so I'm a little late on posting this schedule. The items on this list are in no particular order:
  • Polaris Booklet (previous request; still in progress)
  • Reiji's Self Liner Notes (pg. 115)
  • Natsuki's Self Liner Notes (pg. 85)
  • Cecil's Self Liner Notes (pg. 109)
  • Otoya Solo Interview (pg. 70)
  • Camus Solo Interview (pg. 130)
  • Donor Request
Eventually I will do all of the Self Liner Notes and Solo Interviews but these are the ones I plan to do sooner. The Self Liner Notes are the idols' comments about their solo songs (not including new songs from the Legend Star season as they were released after this book was published). They're followed by a section called "Work Playback," which contains captions of game screenshots; and a "Composer's Comment" from Agematsu Noriyasu. I'll be translating the entire page containing these three sections and posting them as one entry. There is no set deadline but I hope to have the listed translations done by the end of April at the latest.

Request Status

As far as requests go, I've taken a few free ones, but I will be closing up non-donor requests. If you planned to make a donation to this translation project, please see the Translation Requests page for details on requesting work while making a donation.

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