Thursday, June 4, 2020

June 2020 Update

I'm overwhelmed!!!

There, I've said it.

Nonetheless, I'm committed to seeing everything through, even if it takes a while. And yes, I'll rest too! So here's what's on my plate in regards to UtaPri:

  • Translations: I'm still thinking of them. I know this isn't as important as everything else right now, but I feel like I need to do them to try to get my mind off of other things every once in a while. Once Secret Garden Party is done, I will be taking a break from translating for a while.
  • Donations: I cannot thank you enough for the contributions on my Ko-fi page!! I'm so, so grateful! My next goal is up on my page and outlines the next step in the moving process for my apartment!
  • Group order shipping (excluding USA): I know I said I would look at other non-U.S.A. countries about shipping before, sorry I hadn't! I thought it would be easier to wait until things calmed down and after Japan reopened (which they have started doing this month). I've checked the latest list of countries and a few of them seem to have reopened, so I'll be working on that this month! Yay! Please once again give me some time before I start sending shipping invoices!
  • Group orders for U.S.A.: There's still a suspension on shipping, and because I'm concerned about the security of packages right now, I'll continue to monitor the situation.
  • Group order item arrival: Maji Love Kingdom KumaPri Plush Bears just arrived! Not too many people ordered, but it's a large box. So far I haven't received any other information about delayed arrivals.
I've been running on very little sleep for the past few days, I imagine many of you are under stress as well! Please stay safe, and get rest!! We're almost halfway through the year! ☆

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