Thursday, October 3, 2019

October 2019 Special Update

Thank you to everyone who saw and answered my update on Twitter. For those who haven't, I finally have some time to provide information concerning the next few weeks.

I have flown to the USA for family-related reasons and plan to be there for at least two weeks. Needless to say, this affects a few things concerning sales and pre-orders, so I'll try to outline everything as best as I can.

I am in the process of completing orders for the Shining Web Store. I've ordered all of the Q-Pot items and I also picked up some items at the pop-up shop. I will be completing the rest of the order online in the next few days, so everything should be going as planned. If you haven't paid your invoice yet, please do so. Sadly I won't be able to trade anything until I get back to Japan, but hopefully there will be a chance to get something done when I do.

The order for Dream Star Live (the UtaPri x EnStars collaboration) was marked as "Preparing Shipment" so I'm expecting that order to be delivered while I'm away. Depending on the ship date, I may need to have it rerouted to a friend's address, and if that happens it may take a little time to go through everything.

I should be back before Secret Garden Party items arrive, so those should remain unaffected.

If you recently paid for shipping on an order, made a purchase or asked to purchase something recently, I will handle that as soon as I get back.

Concerning the recent post I made on the 6th stage Ring Lights that some of you have asked about, I completed the purchase from seller on Yahoo Auctions and the rings have arrived at my friend's place. Pretty much all of the rings have potential buyers at this point, I just need to get back to each person and finalize the cost.

I think that should cover everything. If there's something that I've forgotten, please don't hesitate to remind me, I'll be looking at messages, though it's a possibility I won't answer right away.

Lastly, thank you very much to everyone who sent well wishes, and please don't worry about me. Continuing to work on anything UtaPri-related puts my mind at ease, so I'll do my best.

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