Thursday, November 16, 2017

September/October Roundup

Wow, where did the past two months go?? (Into Shining Live to be honest, haha) I've spent a lot of time with work as well as running the shopping services for recent UtaPri merchandise.

The Prince Cat Group Pre-Order, which just closed recently, was my most popular since 6th Stage! I guess many UtaPri fans are really crazy about cats! After a year of not wanting them, and then watching my friends get them, and then sort of wanting one, I've decided to adopt a cat myself. I'm not sure I understand the hype but if it makes UtaPri fans happy, then I'm for it.

Translations, as usual, have not really happened. I finally posted Magical Ichiko profiles and the summer Prince Cat story. I very recently had a conversation with a friend about fan translations, and my regular followers probably already know how I feel about doing work for "free" and why I ask for and highly appreciate donations.

With that said, I've decided that I will discontinue regular translation of the 5th Anniversary Book. That's not to say I'll never translate anything else from it, but I won't really focus on it. I will focus primarily on merchandise information, supplemental pieces (such as Prince Cat stories or character profiles from Drama CDs), and selected excerpts from the game that I happen to enjoy and would like to share.

With November already halfway over, I'll have another roundup post coming in just a few weeks!

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