Special Shipping Information (From Spring 2021)

Some of you may have heard from forwarding and proxy companies that Japan Post is planning to reopen EMS for the USA and other countries starting on June 1st, and an extra fee will be attached to all EMS parcels going to Zone 2 countries (Oceania, North America, Central America, the Middle East and Europe).

I know many of you have been waiting for EMS, so I'm very glad to be able to offer it as an option again! I haven't heard anything about ePacket/Registered Airmail, so for now it appears that EMS and Surface Mail will be the only options through Japan Post for now.

It's been over a year since International Mail was slowed severely due to the pandemic but I want to say thank you to everyone who cooperated with me in order to get your items shipped. The majority of items from 2020 have been shipped and I'd like to keep up the pace for 2021 to avoid my apartment becoming a storage hub again!

Towards the end of this month and into June when EMS reopens, I have several goals in terms of scaling down what I have in storage:

  • For people who still have orders that were released in 2020 (excluding the Winter Shining Store): Please fill out the Shipping Instructions form by Wednesday, June 30th. An extra fee for the extended storage time will be added if you had multiple orders with me (fee amount is not yet decided but will depend on factors such as the total size and/or cost of your orders and the length of time I've been holding them). If I don't receive a response by June 4th, I'll automatically invoice you for either Surface Mail or EMS, depending on the value of your items. After that, if I don't receive a response or payment by August 31st, all pending items in your name will be considered as abandoned and put up for sale, and you'll be given a partial refund.

  • For orders in the first half of 2021 (SHINING STORE 2020, BGS Sweets Vampire, AGF Beautiful Memories, PRINCE CAT HOUSE 2020, Bromate 2021, PRINCE CAT -Spring Has Come- (Normal Size Cat orders): I would like these to be shipped as soon as possible. I know some of you have KMUP orders that will be picked up in early June, however it will take some time for me to sort out the order so I'd like to organize and clear out the older orders first.

  • Gift Plush Dolls: Because most of these were picked up earlier than scheduled, I can hold these if you have another order due to arrive in the summer, but because they take up a significant amount of space I don't want to hold them for much longer than that.

  • KM☆UP and 10th Anniversary Books: I can hold *some* of these orders for the second half of 2021, but if you ordered a 10th Anniversary Book I would like to ship it ASAP. For shipping method, I will check what I have on record and invoice you accordingly. If you want to change the shipping method now you can use the Shipping Instructions form.

  • Other orders current and future not mentioned above: Until further notice, the main options will be EMS, ePacket (for certain countries), Surface Mail and forwarding service.

How much will EMS cost?

Packages up to 500 grams will be roughly $25 or $26, and will increase with the weight. This is a pretty good deal compared to Surface Mail, but as packages get heavier the price difference will increase. For example: for a 2kg package, EMS will cost around $60 whereas it would cost about $25 for Surface Mail. Therefore Surface Mail is still a good option for those who want to save some money and aren't in a rush.

Please keep in mind that while this update on EMS is official from Japan Post, some conditions may change between now and June, so I only know as much as what's been announced so far. If something changes, I'll amend this page with the new information!