Sunday, July 4, 2021

UtaPri Expo 10th Anniversary Report

I shouldn't be surprised that UtaPri's 10th Anniversary has kept me busy all the way into their 11th Anniversary...this blog gets less and less active every year but I'm still devoted to keeping it up. Even Twitter doesn't give me the room to write out my thoughts like this.

I can't believe 2021 marks five years since I started this blog. I still can't believe that a random decision to start watching the anime about seven years ago turned into this. UtaPri is my life now, and I don't say that in a bad way at all. I'm so happy that I came across this series, not just for what it is but what I've been able to learn through it.

While I can't say that things are back to "normal" here in Japan, UtaPri Expo really made me feel a sense of nostalgia with all of the events that I've experienced in the past. To be able to see so many UtaPri fans walking around Ikebukuro again made me so happy. I also saw some friends again for the first time in months. One of them I've known for about as long as I've been doing this blog, and it was nice to reminisce about how we met by chance as cosplayers (though we call it 'fate' ^^), then how we had the whole 6th Stage experience and went to the Legend Star Animate Cafe, and how I went from being clueless about trading items to becoming a near pro.

About the Expo itself--perhaps "Expo" is a grand word in comparison to what it actually was--it was a nice to see the timeline of UtaPri's history and all of the campaigns and events done over time. The exhibit didn't come anywhere close to actually displaying all of what's been done but they covered pretty much the entire history.

The highlight was really the Keita Maruyama x Utapri collaborations and seeing the costumes on display with my own eyes. I was a bit emotional because Shining Dream Festa in 2016 was my first UtaPri event. I didn't really know what I was getting into and the CD had pretty much been released as I was preparing to fly to Japan. Of course I loved many of the UtaPri songs that had been released up to that point, but NIGHT DREAM captivated me like no other. I never thought I would be able to see those costumes or the Setsugetsuka costumes in person ever again, and certainly not as close as I did at Expo!

After the Festa and Setsugetsuka room, there was a waiting room where visitors could watch an interview with Maruyama-sensei talk about the newest costumes for STAR WISH, QUARTET CROWN and ENDLESS SCORE. He really put in a lot of thought into each group's concept and even says that he's become a bit of a fan himself ^^

What followed was a room where you could view shorts of the music videos for each song. The 10th Anniversary CD and music videos had already been released by that point, but I didn't want spoilers leading up to Expo. Some people had brought their penlights as if they were at a live show, which I almost wish I had thought of doing myself (but I had a mountain of merch to pick up later so that wouldn't have been possible). I was absolutely floored when I watched STAR WISH for the first time and watched the duet between Tokiya and Ren...I couldn't believe it. I feel like UtaPri has been putting those two together quite often recently--there's no denying that they share some qualities in common that make them an interesting, opposite-yet-similar pair...and Ren refuses to leave Tokiya alone so there's that as well. I wish the lighting had allowed for better pictures, but at least I could take a photo of my two favorites together.

QUARTET CROWN, while not my favorite genre, also got stuck in my head at one point. For one, everyone lost it when they saw that the members weren't wearing shirts under their jackets. But the video is also incredibly suggestive and I'm really pleased, not in a horny way (lol) but in that I love the idea of QN continuing to evolve in their role as the "mature" group. How far will they take it, I wonder...

It was also nice to see a more friendly, brighter side of HEAVENS in ENDLESS SCORE! Their paint can theme reminded me of Shining Art several years ago, and it was cute to continue seeing their "family" dynamic as a group. I'm really happy that this group also got designs from Maruyama-sensei and I hope it continues in the future!

Some people may not care for fashion or fashion designers and might be wondering, "Why does this collab get the most attention for 10th Anniversary when there's so much other content?" And the reason is for the same reason why many people want to go to Maji Love Live and see the seiyuu perform on stage: it creates a sense of the idols being real, living and breathing people. UtaPri idols are more than just "characters" at this point; thanks to a huge team of designers, composers, performers, staff, and even us fans, these "characters" have taken on whole personalities and identities.

Finally, there were congratulatory messages from the voice actors, Kurahana-sensei, Elements Garden, and the producers. Pictures weren't permitted, but you can see Kurahana-sensei's drawing of Haruka on her official Twitter.

There were also samples of the 10th Anniversary Memorial Portraits for each member. They're each signed by hand and are available for pre-order until around July (and they're also included in my latest group order for UtaPri Expo merch).

Even though I was only able to see the exhibit once, it will stay in my memory the way Shining Dream Festa and Setsugetsuka -Eternal Moment- has stayed with me.

Outside of the exhibit was a display open to anyone to take photos. Even after my own visit to the exhibit, I returned several times to take more pictures!

One of the uncommon features for this event was a pre-order of merch for pickup. People who won the first ticket lottery (I was one of them) were eligible to pre-order KMUP goods as well as the 10th Anniversary Book ahead, and then pick up their order at the event. While it wasn't possible to see photos of the actual merch, I absolutely loved the idea of not having to worry about these items being sold out. Often times it was difficult for people to enjoy an event because they were anxious to get in the merch line, so even though this pickup feature didn't apply to all merch, it was nice to be able to relax knowing that a fair amount of items were already ordered and waiting for me. 

This event has really made me think about how much has changed in the several years that I've been a fan of UtaPri, and of course I can say that the changes have been for the better. I'm really looking forward to more events for years to come!☆